Doc Store SDK Example
This tutorial demonstrates how to use Macrometa SDKs to work with document collections.
- A Macrometa account with admin permissions.
- An API key with admin permissions. For more information, refer to Create API Keys.
- The appropriate SDK installed. For more information, refer to Install SDKs.
Code Sample
Copy the code below, and your API key, and then run it in your favorite IDE.
- Python SDK
- JavaScript SDK
from c8 import C8Client
import pprint
import time
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Define constants
API_KEY = "my API key" # Change this to your API key
GEO_FABRIC = "_system"
# Variables - Queries
READ_QUERY = f"FOR device in ddoslist FILTER device.ip == '{IP_ADDRESS}' RETURN" + "{IP:device.ip, IsAllowed:device.action}"
INSERT_QUERY = "INSERT { \"ip\" : \"" + IP_ADDRESS + "\", \"action\": \"block\", \"rule\":\"blocklistA\"} INTO ddoslist"
# Variables - Data
COLLECTION_NAME = "ddoslist"
DATA = [
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistA"},
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistA"},
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistB"},
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistA"},
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistB"},
{"ip": "", "action": "allow", "rule": "allowlistA"},
{"ip": "", "action": "allow", "rule": "allowlistA"},
{"ip": "", "action": "allow", "rule": "allowlistB"},
{"ip": "", "action": "allow", "rule": "allowlistB"}
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
# Step 1: Open connection to GDN. You will be routed to closest region.
print(f"1. CONNECT: server: {GLOBAL_URL}")
print("--- Connecting to GDN")
# Choose one of the following methods to access the GDN. API key is recommended.
# Authenticate with API key
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=GLOBAL_URL, port=443, apikey=API_KEY, geofabric=GEO_FABRIC)
# Authenticate with JWT
# client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=GLOBAL_URL, port=443, token=<your token>, geofabric=GEO_FABRIC)
# Authenticate with email and password
# client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=GLOBAL_URL, port=443, email=<your email id>, password=<your password>, geofabric=GEO_FABRIC)
# Step 2: Create the collection if it does not exist.
print(f"2. CREATE_COLLECTION: region: {GLOBAL_URL}, collection: {COLLECTION_NAME}")
if client.has_collection(COLLECTION_NAME):
collection = client.collection(COLLECTION_NAME)
collection = client.create_collection(COLLECTION_NAME)
# Step 3: Insert data into collection.
print(f"3. INSERT_DDOS_DATA: in region: {GLOBAL_URL}")
client.insert_document(COLLECTION_NAME, document = DATA)
# Step 4: Read data.
print(f"4. IS_IP_ALLOWED...from region: {GLOBAL_URL}")
cursor = client.execute_query(READ_QUERY)
docs = [document for document in cursor]
if docs == []:
print(f"IP: {IP_ADDRESS}" + "IsAllowed: {"'allow'"}\n")
# Step 5: Blocklist IP address.
print(f"5. BLOCKLIST the IP...from region: {GLOBAL_URL}, ip: {IP_ADDRESS}")
cursor = client.execute_query(INSERT_QUERY)
# Step 6: Read data from other regions.
print("6. Check again if IP is allowed globally")
for region_url in REGION_URLS:
print(f"\n IS_IP_ALLOWED...checking from region: {region_url}")
# Reuse API key for authentication
clientx = C8Client(protocol = 'https', host = region_url, port = 443, apikey = API_KEY, geofabric = GEO_FABRIC)
cursorx = clientx.execute_query(READ_QUERY)
docs = [document for document in cursorx]
# Step 7: Delete data.
print(f"\n7. DELETE_DATA: region: {GLOBAL_URL}, collection: {COLLECTION_NAME}")
const jsc8 = require("jsc8");
const apiKey = "XXXXX";
// Choose one of the following methods to access the GDN. API key is recommended.
// API key
const client = new jsc8({globalUrl: "", apiKey: apiKey, fabricName: '_system'});
// JSON Web Token
// const client = new jsc8({url: "", token: "XXXX", fabricName: '_system'});
// Or use email and password to authenticate client instance
// const client = new jsc8("");
// Replace values with your email and password (use it inside an async function).
// await client.login("", "xxxxxx");
// Variables - DB
globalUrl = "";
regionUrls = [
// Variables
const collectionName = "ddoslist";
const ipAddress = "";
// Variables - Queries
const readQueryValue = `FOR device in ddoslist FILTER device.ip == "${ipAddress}" RETURN { IP:device.ip, IsAllowed:device.action}`;
const insertQueryValue = `INSERT { "ip": "${ipAddress}", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistA"} INTO ddoslist`;
// Variables - Data
const data = [
{ ip: "", action: "block", rule: "blocklistA" },
{ ip: "", action: "block", rule: "blocklistA" },
{ ip: "", action: "block", rule: "blocklistB" },
{ ip: "", action: "block", rule: "blocklistA" },
{ ip: "", action: "block", rule: "blocklistB" },
{ ip: "", action: "allow", rule: "whitelistA" },
{ ip: "", action: "allow", rule: "whitelistA" },
{ ip: "", action: "allow", rule: "whitelistB" },
{ ip: "", action: "allow", rule: "whitelistB" }
// Step 1: Open connection to GDN. You will be routed to closest region.
console.log(`1. Connecting: server: ${globalUrl}, user: ${apiKey}`);
async function createCollection () {
console.log("\n2. Create collection.");
try {
console.log(`Creating the collection ${collectionName}...`);
const existsColl = await client.hasCollection(collectionName);
if (existsColl === false) {
await client.createCollection(collectionName);
console.log(`Collection ${collectionName} was created successfully.`);
} else {
console.log(`Collection ${collectionName} already exists.`);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Collection creation did not succeed due to " + e);
async function insertData () {
console.log(`\n3. Inserting data in region ${globalUrl}`);
try {
await client.insertDocumentMany(collectionName, data);
console.log("Data has been successfully added to the collection.");
} catch (e) {
console.log("Data could not be inserted due to " + e);
async function readData () {
console.log(`\n4. Reading data in region ${globalUrl}`);
console.log(`IP is allowed from region: ${globalUrl}`);
const result = await client.executeQuery(readQueryValue);
async function blocklistIP () {
console.log(`\n5. Blocklisting the IP...from region: ${globalUrl}, ip: ${ipAddress}`);
await client.executeQuery(insertQueryValue);
console.log("Document added successfully.");
async function readDataFromAllRegions () {
console.log("\n6. Checking if the IP is allowed globally...);
try {
for (let i = 0; i < regionUrls.length; i++) {
// Create an authenticated instance with a token or API key
// const regionClient = new jsc8({url: regionUrls[i], token: "XXXX", fabricName: '_system'});
// const regionClient = new jsc8({url: regionUrls[i], apiKey: "XXXX", fabricName: '_system'});
// console.log("Authentication done!!...");
// Or use Email and Password to Authenticate client instance
// const regionClient = new jsc8(regionUrls[i]);
// await regionClient.login("", "xxxxxx");
const regionClient = new jsc8({ url: regionUrls[i], apiKey: apiKey, fabricName: "_system" });
console.log(`\n IP is blocked in region: ${regionUrls[i]}`);
const result = await regionClient.executeQuery(readQueryValue);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Could not read due to " + e);
async function deleteData () {
console.log("\n7. Deleting the data.");
try {
await client.deleteCollection(collectionName);
console.log("The collection has been deleted successfully.");
} catch (e) {
console.log("Collection could not be deleted due to " + e);
(async function () {
await createCollection();
await insertData();
await readData();
await blocklistIP();
await readDataFromAllRegions();
await deleteData();